In September 2013, the Tufts chapter of ALLIES hosted a unique event that fell outside of its traditional purview: an exhibition of Combat Paper, artwork made by veterans on re-purposed combat fatigues that helped them address PTSD and other emotional and psychological effects of warfare. Tufts ALLIES has had a strong programmatic focus on veterans this year, and this event served as a tie-in to that theme.The exhibition was held in the Slater Concourse of Tufts Art Gallery and ran from September 5th to the end of the month. Additionally, ALLIES held an opening reception in Slater Concourse to thank the numerous sponsors – the Institute of Global Leadership, the International Relations Department, Dean of Academic Affairs for Arts and Sciences Nancy Bauer’s Office, and the Peace and Justice Studies Program – who generously contributed to ALLIES and made the exhibition possible. The reception was attended by over 30 people, including ALLIES members, Fletcher School students, and representatives from the various sponsors. Overall, the exhibition was very successful; it allowed ALLIES to connect with new members of the Tufts community and raise awareness about veterans’ issues.