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CMRC 2021 Panel Reflections

Matt Stinson, A’25

This past fall, Tufts ALLIES had the honor of hosting two informative and insightful speakers, Doug Brooks and Aila M. Mantacock, for a panel on statecraft.

Doug Brooks is the Special Adviser for Response Business Practices at the Fund For Peace (FFP). He leads FFP’s responsible business practice, including implementing security and human rights projects in partnership with natural resource companies, governments, and multilateral institutions. He also represents FFP at the international level of the VPSHR and coordinates FFP’s Human Rights and Business Roundtable. He also serves as Adjunct Faculty for the University of Fiji.

Aila M. Mantacock is an associate professor of political science at the University of California, Berkeley. Her research examines various international and domestic influences on the stability of fragile states, especially elections in these contexts, bringing together insights from international relations and comparative politics, as well as policing and community attitudes during crises. 

Brooks was the first speaker to go on the panel and gave an exciting talk on Modern Humanitarian Efforts and Peacekeeping operations. He provided insight into the role of private contractors in performing peacekeeping operations in areas with unstable political systems. By describing the critical role of on-the-ground action, direct cooperation amongst stakeholders involved with creating stability, and continued reflexivity to respond to whatever unforeseen circumstances may arise, a state can become stable. After his speech, he opened up the floor to students to inquire about the role of private contractors in peacekeeping. Many curious students had questions and concerns, and Brooks helped students understand his point of view, drawing on his extensive private-sector experience and knowledge of statecraft.

After Brooks, Mantacock gave a fascinating talk on Rebuilding Nations and Economies. She emphasized the vital role of economic subsidies and international developmental efforts in helping unstable nations build a financial system that can attract foreign investment and domestic development. Her talk emphasized the importance of flexibility and precision in responding to uncertain and complex situations and researchers’ matters in adapting and overcoming. Her address gave an essential perspective on how international development can be used as a tool for good to spur global development. After her talk, she also opened the floor to questions from eager and curious students asking about ways to create sustainable development.

Ultimately, both speakers provided important insights using their years of experience and academic expertise. It was immensely valuable for students from various schools and academic disciplines to learn about such a timely and important topic.

Tufts Allies would like to thank Doug Brooks and Alia M. Hancock, and the Institute for Global Leadership for helping with the event.